Landing Gear Doors
The "provided" landing gear doors were in a - carefully spoken - bad condition. Therefore, new ones are needed. Further on, the weight should be reduced. Therefore: the old doors were rebuild using car-spattle in that way they can glued in the fuselage opening and grind in the contour of the fuselage. Afterwards the surface was filled with primer and then, grinded, grinded and again grinded. With a ceiling made from wood the mould was limited on the fuselage surface - now the mould itself was build. To make the later trimming of the flap contour easier, with tape and a scriber on the old flaps the outer edge was marked and so carried directly to the mould.
The new landing gear doors: made from carbon fibre! The trimming lines can be nicely seen ...
On the back-side two stringers and the retainers made from kevlar for the door-rubbers. The doors are not cutted out on the pictures.