The nicest glider has no worth, if the trailer is leaky and further on laborious to use. Therefore - lets start the project with the trailer. Because of the condition nothing else remains as to disassemble the complete trailer, derust the structures, some welding work, varnish all metal parts and insert a new floor.
The complete rear part was "rotten" - because of water, which was collected above the rear-door and comes in through the rivets inside the structure. After freezing the tubes were blown up. Therefore: need for action - a new rear-part seal and no hollow rivets anymore ...
The primer and the coating are on the metal structures - of course two-component ones!
Its really nice - isnt it?
Short before the winter service starts in the LSV Braunschweig: The private plane has to go out of workshop - therefore the trailer has to be in a condition to carry the Cirrus and move it to be "wintering grounds". In the picture: "If it does not fit - it will be adapted!". And it was really cold there ...
The "circus" fits really. Cool...
... and the rear door can be closed without damage of the plane.
Ok, the wing support has to be improved
Lets drive to the winter grounds ... at this time my nice Volkswagen Passat was still alive - what a car!
Winter break over ... lets put the covering on the trailer. We use the old Aluminium sheets, which were on the trailer before ... apropos: in what order were the sheets mounted on the trailer? By the way: for the fixing we use "Klebt und Dichtet" - a kind of "silicone extreme". There you need only a few rivets in the edges of the sheets - of course cup-rivets to keep the water out of the structure.
The sheets are all on the trailer - after subsequent griding the finish was done using two-component paint. Looks like new.
The top can still be opened. At this time, the trailer was used as storage - you cannot put all the stuff in the club-workshop.
Subject cooling: solar-cells on the upper side of the vertical-tail scoop, fan inside and yet the glider feels comfortable. Do not forget the bug-screens - else wise the all kinds of crawl and flying insects will settle in this new ecosystem.
Wonderful ...
... also from the side. Now with outline-lights - to make sure no one will overlook the trailer while turning to left or right.
The front-door is completely new - with labyrinth-seal. And now made from carbon-fibres ... with a lockable window-grip.