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The problem child of this major overhaul: During griding all the paint - because of countless number of cracks in the surface - it was found there was not only one layer of paint. Not to mention the car-spattle. Overall a mass of 11.8 kilograms. In this picture the nose is ready house the clutch there ...

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... and both frames for the clutch are glued in.

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There the fuselage was broken whenever ...

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The painting of the steel pipe frame inside the fuselage was removed, the tubes checked for cracks and painted again - with two-component paint.

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The ventilation is rebuild and repaired.

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The steering-frame is now fixed - before is somewhat loose ;-) The retainer for the new panel is glued in.

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Here likewise (short before the tail) the fuselage was broken a time ago. Here after the re-repair - the repair before was not the best.

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Thats the way the surface looks after removing the paint. There much filler is needed, before the car-painting can be applied.

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The canopy is on the fuselage again - before the canopy-frame was re-fitted. To reach this, the plexi-glas of the canopy was removed from the frame, the frame was new fitted and the canopy was glued again on it.

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Now the primer can be applied. With the filler, waviness can be covered and the pin-wholes of the laminate are closed. Bigger "errors" in the surface contour were removed using micro-balloons and a closing layer of 80-type laminate.